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September 23-15, 2018 - Industry delegation with the parliament speaker R. Vondracek to the United Arab Emirates
CSA participated in this event organised by the Czech Confederation of Industry. The joint event included meetings with the Chamber of Commerce in Abu Dhabi, Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Czech Business Council and DMCC free trade zone. The alliance president arranged for himself additional private meetings with the Director General of the UAE Space Agency and with the Mohammed Bid Rashid Space Centre.
6th-8th February 2017 - Participation in the UN COPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee in Vienna
As every year, Czech Space Alliance was included by the Ministry of Transport in the Czech delegation to this international event. As usual it was represented by the alliance president, who uses this opportunities to establish or refresh contacts with agencies and industry from all space faring countries. Among other, he met the director general of the Mexican Space Agency, the Israel Space Agency, representatives of the Cabinet Office of Japan, JAXA, NEC Space, Chile, Argentina, Oman, .....
24th-25th January 2017 - 9th Conference on European Space Policy
As every year, Czech Space Alliance attended this very well attended event, co-organised by the European Parliament, ESA, European Commission and Eurospace
18th - 19th January 2017 - German - Czech Space Industry Days
Members of the Czech Space Alliance participated in two day seminar hosted by DLR and coordinated with our Ministry of Transport, which took place at DLR installations in Oberpfaffenhofen. The first day consisted of short presentations followed by B2B. On the second day we visited OHB and IABG. The event was attended by over 60 participants from both countries is also the build-up of the Mexican SBAS station network.

7th November 2016 - The CSA president was received by the Director General of the Mexican Space Agency and his executive team
Following previous discussions at events in Europe, the Director General Sr. Javier Mendietta invited the CSA to discuss possible areas of cooperation between our countries in the offices of the Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM) in Mexico City. The meeting was attended by further 7?? AEM Executives and Iguassu marketing director. After mutual presentations of our activities (the Mexican Space Agency presentation is available for download on the download page), we discussed possible areas of mutual interest. I was agreed that perhaps the easiest start would be aerospace student exchange. Topical theme is also the build-up of the Mexican SBAS station network.

26th September 2016 - CSA participated in the Annual General Assembly of the International Aeronautical Federation
This year’s AGM took place in Guadalajara, Mexico, IAF’s current president Mr. Kiyoshi Higuchi (JAXA) passed the post to his successor M. Jean-Yves le Gall (CNES). There was also an election of the IAF board members. Doc. Kolar tenure has vice president for the financial committee has expired. Some delegates expressed their dissatisfaction (as in previous year) with the board election process, where proposed candidates could not be voted on individually. These comments were sidelined. Gender equality issues were also discussed by a number of members and this was echoed throughout the congress in a PC manner by top executives of IAC and others (e.g. extensively, including all other equal opportunities categories, by the NASA Administrator Charles Bolden). The next 68th International Astronautical Congress will be held 25-29 September in Adelaide, Australia. The 69th IAC will return to Bremen 1-5 October 2018 and will be hosted by ZARM.
26th April 2011 - Czech space alliance in GISTDA, Bangkok
Following first contacts with GISTDA, Ge-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency at the OAC 2010 in Prague, the Czech Space Alliance president was invited to GISTDA to present the Czech space activities to a small group of the agency representatives on April 11th. As the presentation was regarded of broader interest, the CSA was invited to come back and repeat the presentation to wider audience of some 20 GISTDA staff a few weeks later.

22nd March 2011 - Czech Space Alliance meets the Slovak commission for cooperation with ESA
As a result of the initiative of ZTS VVU Kosice and the Czech Space Alliance, Czech delegation consisting of the Ministry of Transport, the government commissioner for the Galileo office and the Czech Space Alliance, participated in the second meeting of the Slovak commission for co-operation with ESA. After presentations the two sides exchange experience and ideas about work in ESA. The Czech pariticipants offered to continue to share the experience and offered support in introducting Slovakia in the Program for European Co-operating States (PECS)
4th - 5th March 2011 - Czech Space Alliance presents at Milspace 2011 in Paris
CSA presented \"Space from a small nation\'s perspective - the Czech Republic as the newest ESA member\"
1st February 2011 - Czech passive components manufacturers meet ESA
CSA members AVX and EGGO invited representatives of ESA components technology division to meet the passive components industry in the Lanskroun area. Apart from the ESA, CSA and Lanskroun industry presentations, the ESA delegation had a tour of AVX and EGGO and was received by the mayor of the town of Lanskroun
22-25th November 2010 - Czech Brazilian Space Technology Days - Brasilia, Alcantara, Sao Jose dos Campos
Following the signature by the Minisiter of Transport of the Letter of Intent to co-operate in development of space technologoes, drafted by the Czech Space Alliance, several alliance members, supported by the Czechinvest agency of the Ministry of Industry, undertook a week tour of Brazilian space establishments. The alliance was able to achieve reception at the highest levels at the Brazilian space agency in Brasilia, the Brazilian launch base in Alcantara, the National Space Research Institute INPE and the Defence department of space technologies (launcher development) CDTA in Sao Jose. The delegation was also received by the Ministry of Development, Industry and International Commerce in Brasilia, kindly arranged by the Czech Ambassador, and by the representatives of the Mayor of Sao Jose dos Campos, who proudly presented their impressive technology park. The delegation collected a wealth of information and developed and strengthened many top level contacts, which will help in preparation of further steps to look for specific business co-operation opportunities. The next task is to arrange an event with the Brazilians in Prague.

AEB Directors panel meeting the Czech delegation               Brazilian launcher VLS-1                          Integration & Test Chamber / clean room at INPE
28th September 2010 - The president of the Brazilian space agency AEB meets CSA at the IAC 2010 in Prague
During the IAC, the president of AEB Carlos Ganem and the director of space transportation Nilo Sergio de Oliveira visited the stand of the Ministry of Transport and CSA and discussed the Letter of Intent of co-operation in development of space technologies between AEB and the Czech Ministry of Transport. CSA and AEB have been preparing the LOI for some time and now won the support of the Minister of Transport to sign the agreement. CSA and AEB representatives have been developing their relationship since the establishment of CSA in 2006.

27th September 2010 - Czech-Japan Space Seminar at MDCR
As a result of negotiations started by the alliance in Tokyo in December 2009, followed by further meetings in JAXA with the assistance of the Ministry of Transport during the Czech Japan Technology Days in May 2010, the Minister of Transport invited the president of JAXA Dr. Tachikawa to a meeting in Prague in conjunction with the Czech-Japan Space Seminar which the ministry prepared together with the Czech Space Alliance. This was accepted and we enjoyed a star attendance at the seminar, inaugurated by the deputy minister, the JAXA president and the chairman of the Japanese government\'s Space Activities Commission Dr. Ikegami, who also accepted the personal invitation from the CSA president. The event was attended by the total of 17 Japanese space personalities from 10 institutions, including 9 JAXA staff, representatives of the JASPA/Manten association (with which CSA signed a co-operation agreement in May 2010), the Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies, NEC Space Systems etc. The Czech side was repesented by 38 attendants, from the Ministry of Transport, the Czech Senate, universities and 14 companies.

27th September - The alliance exhibits at the IAC stand provided by the Ministry of Transport
Thanks to support of the Ministry of Transport, the alliance had a stand at the International Astronautical Congress in Prague, which was took place 27th September - 1st October 2010. The stand was manned jointly by alliance members and representatives of the ministry. It enjoyed broad interest from the international community and lead to establishing man new, and re-inforcing existing contacts with companies and agencies, including the AIAA, the Brazilian Space Agency, NASA, ESA, Astrium etc.

Deputy director of the Ministry of Transport spacedepartment Mr. Kobera with CSA
8th July 2010 - CSA member 5M obtained the
The CSA member 5M proudly announces, that it obtained the award "Despite the Crisis 2010", achieving the highest standing in the category Manufacturing Industry.
The goal of the "Despite the Crisis" project was to identify and to promote SMEs which have succeeded in responding innovatively to the crisis, by seeking out new avenues for their business activities, and to demonstrate through authentic examples, new strategies and methods for responding to the adverse economic conditions. The promoter of this project is the Czech Chamber of Commerce, its principal professional partner PricewaterhouseCoopers Czech Republic and the main media partner the Czech Television.
This, together with other awards received (Innovation of the Year, Innovative Company in the Zlín region), demonstrates that the 5M Company holds a key leadership role in the field of composites.

25th May 2010 - The Alliance signs a co-operation agreement with JASPA in Tokyo
CSA advanced its relationship with the Japanese association of space industries JASPA by signing an MOU during the 5th “Czech Japan Technology Day” event, traditionally organised by Czechinvest
The Czechinvest office in Tokyo contributed substantially to the preparation of the agreement and is our local contact point for JASPA and other important Japanese space contacts. JASPA and the Czech alliance plan to meet again to discuss potential areas of specific co-operation during the Czech Japan Space Seminar, co-organised by the Czech Ministry of Transport, JAXA and the alliance,. during the International Aeronautical Conference 2010 in Prague

JASPA President Mitsuo Okano and the CSA President Petr Bares sign the agreement

Signed document
18th November 2009 - Seminar on ESA technology Programmes by the Task Force Secretary
The Czech Space Alliance was able to secure a very important speaker, the Head of ESA Office for Support for New Member Countries and the secretary of the Czech-ESA Task Force, Mr. Pedro Baptista. Pedro, who spoke to an audience of 22 people, gave us a complete overview of the ESA budget structures and explained many details of all the thirteen technology programmes to which the Czech Republic subscribed. We are now much better equipped to deal with ITTs (Invitations to Tender) that attract our attention on EMITS and are aware of some of the conditions that we have to fulfil if we intend to participate. We also learnt about the global nature of space business and the need to look for partners and markets beyond the European borders. We hope to be able to attract Pedro to talk to us again at the next opportunity, so that we can start putting more pieces into the puzzle, which ESA is for us at this early stage of the Czech participation. Nevertheless, the excellent results which appear to be coming from the AO6052 opportunity show, that the Czech industry made big progress from the days of the Program for European Co-operating States (PECS). All the same, we still have a lot to learn about the specific ESA processes, which are essential for successful business in ESA technology development.

12th November 2009 - Alliance AGM 2009
This annual general meeting took place at the modern and recently expanded premises of our member Frentech in Brno. We were pleased to wellcome two new members, 5M and ANF Data. Among the positive issues that were discussed were the good results that our members achieved in the recent ESA tender AO6052. On the other side, we explored the unclear situation regarding the VAT exemption that those members who will be invoicing ESA under the AO6052 contracts require. Finally we discussed some intended actions for the next year, which should include visit to an ESA establishment.

11th November 2009 - Czech Space Alliance meets Austrian space industry
With the very helpful co-operation of the Czech embassy in Vienna and the Association of Austrian Space Industries Austrospace [], the alliance visitied Vienna for a networking seminar. The objective was mutual information of the status and focus of each country in the European Space Agency and of the experience and the track record of individual companies, with the view of looking for opportunities of co-operation in European space projects. The attendeees were wellcome by the commercial attache on behalf of the ambassador, who was out of the country. Following the presentations, the participants sampled some Czech culinary delicacies offered by the Embassy and mingled in bi-lateral conversations. Several potential areas of specific interest were discussed and these will be followed up by the involved parties to determine if they can develop into tangible joint projects. We thank our Austrian guests for their interest, and the Ambassador and his staff for providing us with such impressive venue, hospitality and professional organisation.
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